Grade 4 Grammar Lesson 7 Nouns – case

Grade 4 Grammar Lesson 7 Nouns - case Genre/Topic:

What is a nominative case? What is an accusative case? What is a possessive case? How do we make a noun possessive?

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Grade 2 Grammar Lesson 5 Nouns – Proper nouns

Grade 2 Grammar Lesson 5 Nouns - Proper nouns Genre/Topic:

What are proper nouns? Do we always begin a proper noun with a capital letter? Are the names of days and months also proper nouns?

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3rd Grade Grammar Homophones Synonyms Antonyms Prefixes Suffixes

3rd Grade Grammar Homophones Synonyms Antonyms Prefixes Suffixes Genre/Topic:

Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. dear: loved or liked very much – You are my dear friend. deer: an animal with four legs which eats grass and leaves – Deer are found in forests.

Grade 4 Grammar Lesson 4 Kinds of nouns

Grade 4 Grammar Lesson 4 Kinds of nouns Genre/Topic:

What are common nouns? What are proper nouns? Do they always begin with a capital letter? What are collective nouns? What are abstract nouns?

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1st Grade Grammar Vocabulary Homophones Synonyms Antonyms 1

1st Grade Grammar Vocabulary Homophones Synonyms Antonyms 1 Genre/Topic: ,

Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. A synonym is a word having the same meaning as another word. An antonym is a word which is opposite in meaning to another word.

Grade 1 Grammar Lesson 5 Nouns – Singular and plural

Grade 1 Grammar Lesson 5 Nouns - Singular and plural Genre/Topic:

How many types of nouns are there on the basis of number? What is a singular noun? What are plural nouns? Is it correct to say ‘two flower’? Can singular nouns be changed to plural?

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Grade 3 Grammar Lesson 2 Nouns – singular and plural

Grade 3 Grammar Lesson 2 Nouns - singular and plural Genre/Topic:

How many types of nouns are there on the basis of number? What are singular nouns? What are plural nouns? How can singular nouns be changed to plural?

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Grade 10 Grammar Lesson 29 Article with plural and uncountable nouns

Grade 10 Grammar Lesson 29 Article with plural and uncountable nouns Genre/Topic: ,

What articles do we use with uncountable nouns? Can we use articles with adjectives as well?

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1st Grade Grammar Proper Nouns 1

1st Grade Grammar Proper Nouns 1 Genre/Topic:

Special names are proper nouns. They always start with a CAPITAL letter.

Grade 3 Grammar Lesson 1 Nouns – common and proper

Grade 3 Grammar Lesson 1 Nouns - common and proper Genre/Topic:

What are nouns? What are proper nouns? What are common nouns? Do nouns always begin with capital letters?

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