3rd Grade Grammar Personal Pronouns

3rd Grade Grammar Personal Pronouns Genre/Topic:

A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. I, you, he, she, it, they and we are personal pronouns.

Grade 2 Grammar Lesson 11 Verbs

Grade 2 Grammar Lesson 11 Verbs Genre/Topic:

What are verbs? Do verbs tell us about action? What is the difference between a verb and a noun?

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1st Grade Grammar Verbs 5

1st Grade Grammar Verbs 5 Genre/Topic:

Words like play, run, eat, work, protect and sing tell us about the actions of people, animals and things. They are action words. Action words are called verbs.

Grade 1 Grammar Lesson 16 Prepositions

Grade 1 Grammar Lesson 16 Prepositions Genre/Topic:

What are prepositions? What are some common prepositions? What is the difference between ‘on’ and ‘in’?

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Grade 2 Grammar Lesson 9 Adjectives

Grade 2 Grammar Lesson 9 Adjectives Genre/Topic:

What are adjectives? When we say ‘green apples’, is green an adjective? When we say ‘two men’, is two an adjective?

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Grade 6 Grammar Lesson 1 The simple present and the present continuous

Grade 6 Grammar Lesson 1 The simple present and the present continuous Genre/Topic:

When do we use the simple present tense? What is the structure of simple present tense? When do we use the present continuous tense? What is the structure of present continuous tense?

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5th Grade Grammar Will Be Going To

5th Grade Grammar Will Be Going To

Will is used to talk about the future in general. Be going to is used to express our intentions and plans, or to say what we have already decided to do.

3rd Grade Grammar Past Tense Had

3rd Grade Grammar Past Tense Had Genre/Topic: ,

Had is the past form of have. It can have different meanings. I had a toy. = I owned a toy. We had dinner. = We ate dinner. She had a headache. = She suffered from a headache. They had a meeting. = They held a meeting.

3rd Grade Grammar Be Going To Verb

3rd Grade Grammar Be Going To Verb Genre/Topic: ,

We use be going to for plans. We also use it when we are sure that something is going to happen in the future.

1st Grade Grammar Articles 2

1st Grade Grammar Articles 2 Genre/Topic:

We use the article “a” before a naming word that starts with a consonant sound. We use the article “an” before a naming word that starts with a vowel sound.

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3rd Grade Grammar Past Tense Was and Were
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